Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Water Cycle Folks

We had a presentation on the water cycle for the fourth grade students today.  It was not my favorite.  The presenter spoke down to the children and told them a story wherein toxins and environmental contaminants were labeled "villains" instead of simply identified as toxins and contaminants.  Anthropomorphized water droplets named, "Billy, Bob and, Joe" were *really attracted* to dust particles named, "Dusty, Dusterella and Dustzilla" - or something like that.  It was, frankly, insulting.

It made me appreciate how we give children information in a straightforward and factual manner.  We don't insult their intelligence by assuming they can't follow something like the water cycle and the importance of cleaning up after ourselves and limiting toxic exposure to our storm water without a cutesy story to go along with it.

Besides the fact that it wasn't really about the water cycle.  I mean, superficially it was.  She mentioned the steps in the cycle and explained that, while 78% of the earth is covered with water, only 3% of the water is drinkable, but other than that, the presentation was about the storm water collection system in Utah County.  Important, yes, but I felt a bait-and-switch.

There was another presentation last fall.  It was MUCH better.  Next year, we won't be having these folks back.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Walden School of Liberal Arts

I learned today that a liberal arts education - the study of literature, languages, philosophy, history, sciences and mathematics - is the education that befits a free man, or woman, as opposed to a slave or servant.  The term became known during the Roman Empire, when only freeborn men and women would receive an education outside of vocational skills. 

I think the term is befitting a Montessori school where we strive to make children free.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Tomorrow I'm going to make lightning in a pan.  I'm pretty stoked about it.

Now I just need to make sure I've got the materials. 

Aluminum pie plate?  Somewhere?  Maybe?
Wool sock? 
Styrofoam block?

Somewhere.  I've got to get everything, b/c it's going to rock.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Daylight Savings Time is Such a DRAG

Everyone was out of sorts today.  Two sick kids sent home at lunch.  One child spending the whole day with Amy (and that's just fine with me!)  Children unable to get started in the morning and unable to sit still, um, EVER!

Today was not my best day. 

It rained, but only a bit.  It was cloudy at recess and drizzling when we had an outdoor activity in the afternoon.  It was gloomy, and everyone was tired (interpreting!) 

Tomorrow.  Bring it on.

I feel anxious right now, and I'm not entirely sure why.  I think it has to do with documentation.  And testing.  And ethics.  And all the stuff I should be doing that I don't feel like I do very well.  Am I too hard on myself?  I mean, I passed the Ethics Evaluation with 100%.  I just don't feel like that means anything.  Oh, I don't feel like I have any ethical problems - it's not that.  I just feel so damn inadequate so often. 

Will my students test well?  Will Buzz find their preparation inadequate?  I hope so.  Probably.
If someone asks for a child's file, will they find what they need inside?  I depends on what they want.
Should I be doing more? 



Sunday, March 13, 2011

March - In Like a Lion!

We've had some lovely weather the last week or so, and the children are restless.

I'm restless.

I'm looking forward to spring break, but I'm also anxious. Spring break means we're this far away from end of year testing. Will my children be ready? I think they'll do OK, but I'm anxious.

I'm always anxious.

We're reviewing weather next week. I've got a fun key experience activity for tomorrow, and we'll go from there.

I'm also re-leveling all of my students in Reading A-Z starting tomorrow. Assuming Kati is well.

I hope Kati is well.

Also spelling. I have a parent coming in to help me with that.

February is Done and Gone

And I didn't get anything written about it. It went by fast. We got a lot done, and we didn't get a lot done. There's always more that I wanted to do.

Oh well.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Week to Come 1/31/11 - 2/4/11

February is here.

This week's big thing is going to be the introduction to ANCIENT CHINA! Yeah, we're doing a Chinese New Year thing on Tuesday. Seeing as it's, you know, Chinese New Year. Perfect timing, y'all.

Monday is either farewell to Africa (maybe) or intro to Asia. I'm thinking maybe we play some sort of game? Where we attempt to identify parts on the map or follow command cards? With teams? Yeah, something like that tomorrow. With the Africa map. I wanted to have the Asia map ready to go this week. I was planning on buying it from the Waseca people at the conference, but they didn't come! So now I'm in trouble. I guess I order it, but that means I won't have it until mid-February. Nice. Way to mess up my monthly plan, Waseca people. Geez.

Tuesday we're having a New Year's party. Ish. It'll be fun. We're going to make Chinese dancing dragons, fireworks and lanterns. On Wednesday we'll do a timeline thing. Thursday and Friday Kati will be doing some biome intro - mountains and tundras.

We didn't do much writing at all last week, so this week we're writing. Writing is something I need to get more on top of with my students. I know that some of them think writing is optional? Yeah, not so much. Especially the older kids. Buzz commented that the kids coming up are not strong writers. I aim to change that.

Finally, I figured out this week that I got a raise this year. A pretty big raise. Somehow I'm making $30,000 gross. Where did that come from?! I'm not complaining, but now how much am I going to ask for when I ask for a raise after finishing my certification? $34K? Settle for $32K? I don't know.